Monday, January 02, 2006

So today I did a little bit of litter gathering, but for the most part I just enjoyed the walk and did not get upset by the mess around. I saw a hawk perched in a tree by the blog path. It flew off as I approached, but I knew it was still around, as I could hear all the little birds chattering in alarm.

I walked past the mechanic's garage about half a mile from home. There was a note on the ground to Norman - "Its me sonny, your (sic) right, this car "suck." Its White Grand Am. FIX. Call me on #123-456-7890 - see what you can do - ok?" There was no sign of the White Grand Am so maybe Norman had managed to work wonders.

Meanwhile back on the litter trail today, there were sections that were quite litter free. Down by the blogtrain station, it was a heck of a mess, it looked like someone had been living for a few days in front of the station, which they probably had been. On Christmas Eve, a young man, who looked as if he had been living rough, came by the house, in search of food. I felt a bit threatened by him, he was shaking around, and had a wild look in his eye, so I sent him on his way. Perhaps I should have done better than that, I felt a tad uncharitable.

Well I think someone must received some slippers for Christmas, and thrown out the old ones. Oh well. Talking of slippers, Gregoire received a pair of vibrating sheepskin slippers from a well meaning relative. They turned out to be too small. So I slotted in the batteries and switched them on. Never worn anything so annoying in my life, they'd drive me crazy. Reckon we will re-package them and give them away next year, or should I say, this year.

So Doppleganger Ursula wrote to say that as the New Year was rung in, she noticed that only two of the village's six bells were being rung. So it was DONG DONG DING DONG DONG instead of DING DONG DING DING DONG DONG. (She's a former bell ringer). She reckons the missing four bellringers were either too sick or too inebriated to ring in the New Year.