I came across this site this week - Terracycle - you send them cigarette butts to the tune of at least three pounds in weight, and they give money to a charity of your choice. Interesting concept, and does encourage clean up of the dreaded cigarette butts on the streets and side walk I find it a little disturbing somehow that a major tobacco producer is sponsoring the process, but maybe I am being a bit cynical. Maybe they should just ship product directly to Terracycle without involving the consumer.
I am still collecting litter in our neighbourhood each week. I keep quite close to home as there is enough garbage out there to easily fill a couple of bags. I wear gloves and use a picker upper bit like this one which can pick up a penny on the ground quite easily. In the past week I have found drug needles, socks, a pair of plastic gloves, old tshirt, condoms, plastic sandwich bags, besides the chocolate bar wrappers, and fast food containers. I frequently find the discarded plastic gloves in the gutter, I think the previous owners of said gloves were up to no good.