SAD Store: The Spend Astronomical Dosh home hardware store, favourite place of Gregoire's; he would live there if he had the chance.
GREGOIRE: Beloved Other Half.
HEDGEROW HOUSE: this is a house down the road that gets rid of stuff - clothes, tents, anything - by leaving it strewn on the hedge in front of the house. I recently bumped into the owner, I'll call her Doris, and it turns out that she's been in the hedgerow giveaway business for over thirty years.
DOPPELGANGER URSULA: She is a fellow litter picker upper from the other side of the planet. A wise woman, she writes to me about plants, wind powered energy and all manner of subjects.
PARTY HOUSE: Rowdy house rented by young-uns just down the street. I'm probably doing them a disservice because recently I think we've had more parties than they have. But we don't leave beer bottles on the street outside the house. Well that's because I see five cents every time I see a bottle and that's not to be sniffed at.
BLOGTRAIN: Quite reliable rapid urban transit system. Now if they had just installed an automated mechanism for checking tickets and instant deportation for anyone yelling loudly into their cellphones, we'd all be away to the races.
So are you using a pinhole camera or what? Ok yes. Well not really.

A lot of the older blurry pictures have been taken by this toy camera, so no great shakes there. But better news, I have acquired a better (but still cheap) camera so future images will be sharper, but don't expect great photos.
So do you welcome comments on your blog?Absolutely, I'd delighted if you leave a comment.
So you do you welcome comments with links to my website promoting all the wonderful products I have to sell?Er no. Spam get nuked as soon as I see it.
I've had enough of this, take me back to Martha's HomePage and be quick about it.