I'm the urban space woman... there were dozens of characters dressed up in extraordinary costumes, such as this lady who got a lot of attention and stood for numerous photo calls.

One of the most imaginative sights last night was a washing line with lanterns depicting clothes on the line. Everyone laughed as they walked by this one.

This is the same shot without the flash, the silhouette of the clothes against the dark sky was stunning and very amusing. Oh well, it was very impressive at the time!

These familiar characters were a favourite. There was so much creativity at the event, I bet people spend many weeks designing and creating the pieces.

Then there was a maze made up of several hundred lanterns which looked fantastic. Each lantern consisted of tea-light on a bed of small stones in a brown paper bag. The design of the maze was clever : we walked into it, followed the path around and then exited the maze without actually reaching the centre, though we saw some others had got there. So a lot of people ended up walking around for a long time trying to figure it out. Lots of fun....