Monday, January 24, 2005

Enough of these dreams, there is reality to think of.

MICE. I regret to say we are considering drastic means to address said problem. So far, the mice are delighted to be fed peanut butter each night from contraptions that look very like traps. As we speak, there is a ridiculous looking set up in the kitchen involving a small plastic lid, peanut butter, rice, an egg carton and a bucket of water. In my defence, all I can say is that we're at the end of our tether. Thanks to Wynn Bexton for her advice, we also acquired a box of POISON.

I've just returned from a crazy trip. I was supposed to go to my good friend, Bonny's for dinner but instead I got seconded to ElkHouse for a work assignment.

We flew to ElkHouse at lunchtime, made two attempts to land (talk about scary) in driving snow and fog. We couldn't land. We flew back to HomeBase, and waited two hours. I was thinking - if I dashed over to Bonny's - I might make it for the soup course, because she makes darn good soup. Then just as I headed to the phone with my 25 cents to call her, announcing my impending arrival, we were all yanked back on the plane.

So we flew back again. Now it was evening, disgusting conditions. We made arrangements to land at an alternative airport (BeaverTooth) then suddenly ElkHouse runway lights appeared in the gloom below us. Down we plunged and our aircraft clattered to the ground and somehow pulled up in one piece in front of the tiny airport building. Our truck was unrecognizable under all the snow so we spent 15 minutes digging it out. We drove through a blizzard to the hotel, stopping twice on the way to remove ice from the windscreen. We staggered into the hotel bar. I was starving but could hardly eat as my stomach was churning so much and I was deaf as a post. I drank three beer instead.

ElkHouse had snowbanks piled up on the sides of the roads, sometimes eight foot high. Next day there was freezing rain. The roads were like skating rinks, just atrocious. We saw trucks in a spin and doing doughnuts. A colleague's husband hit a moose. Husband ok. Truck not ok. Moose definitely not ok.

Just managed to fly out of there after four days. I was asked to give expressions of interest in relocating to ElkHouse by the end of the week. The answer was ridiculously easy.


Wynn Bexton said...

'whew! That sounded too scary for me!
As for mice and peanut butter. I have a hilarious story of when I lived on McLean Drive and was trying to trap mice. I set the trap with p.b. and the critters always found a way to get at it without tripping the trap. Then one night I saw the cheeky bugger run out, run up to the trap, run backwards away from it, repeat this performance, the leap straight upward - boink! boink! boink! like it was on an elastic, land on the other side without tripping the trap and scurry away. Needless to say, the next day the poison came out!

Wynn Bexton said...

Another mouse story. Tonight (well, Friday early eve) as I was sitting at my computer a big fat mouse ran into my bedroom and right behind my computer desk. Eeek!
That does it! Monday I am phoning the Health Dept again.
These apt. managers think that they are controlling the mouse population by placing this black plastic box trap outside my door (the onlyone in the building, and obviously not properly baited!). This is creeping me out. A mouse in my bedroom! wynn

M said...

Wynn, we're using the poison. I really don't like going there but it was the last resort. We've seen evidence that they've been having a feast so I think our recent visitors will be toast. Good luck with the Health Department!