So to get on the blogtrain you have to walk over this message indicating quite firmly I would say, that you have to pay to ride the service. While there are more ticket inspectors these days, it is an honour system rather than there being any mechanism to force payment for tickets. Apparently it has been considered many times, but proved too expensive to retrofit. It constitutes a primary flaw in the transit system if you ask me. It would be great if everyone paid their way, unfortunately life is not like that.
I have deleted a comment that contained advertising: here's the rest of the comment.
What I find particularly ironic is that this blog, and others I read, have pinged Seth's blog and not shown up as trackbacks - and yet the trackback spammers have found a way to get high-class referrals from ...
A real sweet blog. Don't stop now.
The stupidity of this is that they ought to have installed a system right from the beginning, much like the ones in London. For all 'free' riders they could have made up the cost with those who pay to get on and can't get on without going through the turnstile.
Fred left a comment but unfortunately wants to advertise his products as well:
Edited comment
Fred said...
I wish my blog was as phenomenal as this!
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