Sunday, September 03, 2006

So much for me ranting about the cooler weather the other day. Its been as hot as all get out the whole weekend.

ElsieS has been visiting each night. I slept through it last night, but Gregoire complained that she left an odorous calling card.

I felt a bit weird posting the picture of the woman in the park. I was half expecting to read about a body being found the next day, but no, she was just sleeping.

I have been doing the litter route each week, nothing outstanding has shown up. I only go just round the houses in the immediate vicinity because my bag fills up and I need to haul it home. Most of the garbage consists of plastic bags, junk food wrappers and transit tickets. Sometimes you'll see a beer can, but the deposit to be redeemed on those, means you won't see many on the street. Thats a good thing. I hear that in Ireland they have deposits on plastic bags, resulting in a 90% decrease in the use of plastic bags. Talking of bags, I found a site that is monitoring progress round the world on reusable bags.

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