While Ethel isn't exactly living in the crawlspace, she is making frequent pungent visits. Each morning I've been putting up new barriers to stop her digging down below the house. She's a persistent beastie. I see piles of earth strewn around; and brown patches and scuffs of grass on the lawn where she's been messing about. I've been researching skunk deterrents. My correspondent, Grace kindly wrote with a website advocating putting "fox urine" around the perimeter. I introduced the topic at work, as you do. There was an immediate enthusiastic roundtable discussion, where every known (and lesser known) skunk deterrent was regaled. The consensus was that urine of any carnivore would do. This piece of information got my attention.
So I bounded off home to Gregoire and asked him to do his duty around the bushes in front of the house. He said he couldn't go and do that, especially since I had massacred the laurel hedge and there was no privacy. Oh my God. Oh well, now I am looking to make alternate arrangements. But so far the pot outside the bathroom hasn't been used. Maybe I'll sneak out into the garden after midnight but hopefully I won't meet my black and white friend the moment my back is turned....
Late Edition update: Mission accomplished. The liquid deterrent is in place.
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