This is near our front door. If you sent the orange powder you see in the top of the picture to the lab (I've always wanted to do that, just for the heck of it), you'd find it was cayenne pepper. The large black ominous looking pipe is exactly what you jolly well think it is - a specially designed vaccuum cleaner embedded in the ground that will suck up skunks and other fourlegged creatures before you can say "There is a God after all." Ok maybe not, its just a regular drain, but surely to goodness, I had you going there for a fraction of a second.
Yes I have officially gone bananas. No, ok, we were woken at about five this morning by the lunatic skunk who was either trying to get in or out of our crawlspace. I suspect "in" sounds about right, MrsSkunkville being nocturnal. MrsS obviously does serious weightlifting at the gym as there were quite sizeable stones being flung willy-nilly in all directions, and if I might add, a term at finishing school would do her no harm, if she were allowed within a mile of place. I'm sure they'd teach her a thing or two about personal hygiene while they were at it.
But I digress. Anyway initially I put a large brick in the hole to stop any more entering or exiting but then I fretted about it all day in case I'd blocked the critter in, and she was sobbing and sighing but more seriously, getting pissed off with noxious consequences. I do not want to do her any harm. I just want her to leave. So when I came home from work, the house stunk a bit, so I rolled the boulder away from the cave, but for good measure left a dose of cayenne round the entrance. The good book says they don't like the stuff. I know it might sounds cruel, but either the fourlegged or the two legged occupants have to leave, and we're not moving. This is not the Stinkville Motel. Skunk, get thee to a nunnery, or basically anywhere out of here.
Hi M, enjoyed your blog and pictures. I haven't visited here for awhile so it was a nice surprise to see so much there.
Wynn, many thanks for stopping by and I always appreciate the cheerful messages.
I did a quick google on Skunk Control, and low and behold, look what I found.....
Fox Urine Powder!!!
Hey thanks A, I will check this out. Looks very promising. M
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