Gregoire and I were walking along the path by the blogtrain last night. Ostensibly it was for exercise but there's a little shop about quarter of a mile away that sells a fine selection of icecream. In our minds, it justifies the walk, but then the acquired calories probably defeat the whole purpose of the walk. But the heck with it, when I see a Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia, I am lost.

Anyway back to the path. It gets quite dark in a couple of spots along by the railway. One day I am sure I will find a body down there. Today there were some toadstools, but no bodies.

And somebody had dumped a large fern that had been taken from a store. Who knows why they dumped it half way along the path. It seemed a shame. If you're going to go to the trouble of shoplifting such a plant, least you could do would be to give it some care and attention. It looked quite forlorn along a darker section of the path, next to an abandoned toilet bowl in the bushes.

... and the piece de resistance, this svelte vacuum cleaner left against the wall at the blogtrain station. I bet this will be gone in a couple of hours, a high demand item, working or not. Of course you wouldn't know it was kaput until you lumbered home with it. Maybe we'll see it given away on Craigslist, talking of which, a woman in Dallas is offering her free good-for-nothing husband to any home and she'll pay the gas if someone comes and picks him up.
And a quick update on other matters. We haven't had any more newspaper deliveries since my last spat with JimmyBlog paper. Hopefully they have given up, if not gone home altogether. Somehow I suspect otherwise; these folks are nothing if not persistent.
And no sign of Steven, the student missing on Crete. It can't be a good news story, this one.
There is good news on the auto-spam on this blog. Since setting word verification on for comments, there has been no spam.
Did you take the fern home to nurse her back to health?
Wynn, I thought about that, but it was a huge fern, and my track record of killing plants (by accident or neglect) is impressive. So I let it be. I hope it has now found a good home.
Poor orphaned Fern!
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