Thursday, September 08, 2005

Quick post this morning. I was on a packed downward escalator yesterday when it screeched to a halt. People fell on the person in front and there were frightened screams. The frail elderly lady beside me produced some four letter words I'd not heard in a while. The escalator did not move again. The woman was in trouble as she usually doesn't do stairs. Ever so gingerly she took a step at a time, with a huge long line-up anxious to get past her but unable to do so. I stepped slowly in front of her, giving her encouragement as she was obviously upset and frightened of falling. Instantly the group behind were patient once they realized the situation and eventually she got to the bottom of the stairs. She smiled and joked, thanking people around her for helping. The crowd surged past her again, in a blinding hurry to get to their day jobs.

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