The neighbours down the lane are fabulously optimistic. This white 1973 wonder with flat tyre, all sorts of rust, surrounded by a tonne of other junk, is for sale. We had been wondering what was hidden in this yard as for the past couple of years there was a large rectangular wooden box covered in black. We were hoping it was something mysterious and exciting. Pity. I don't think there is much gold at the end of this particular rainbow.

The laneway was scorching hot today, but the high hedges provided some respite from the sun. I didn't see too much litter today - maybe litterbugs don't like the sun, but there were the usual dumpings of deckchairs and bicycle wheels and Lord knows what in the undergrowth.

It beats me why folks do this. So you don't want your old bicycle wheels and other items. So you stuff it in a cardboard box and shove it down under the trees beside the blog train. Why? There were loads of places to take unwanted items - in our neighbourhood, leaving goods in the alleyway with a FREE TO GOOD HOME or equivalent usually means they are gone with a day or so. I don't understand folks who chuck them in the undergrowth and make a mess.

I passed a large hornets nest suspended from a tree on my walk today. I wasn't very comfortable getting too close to this one as there was a lot of buzzing around, but here we go.

Well if you make a negative of the hedgerow picture this is what it turns out like. Somehow I don't think I am missing my calling as a photographer but what the heck.
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