Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Here is the state of the nation:

1) Hedgerow House occupant, Doris, put an announcement on, where else, her hedge, to say that she wasn't putting out any more free stuff. No explanation. Hopefully this situation will change because, dash it all, it was most entertaining for the likes of me.

2) ElsieSkunk has gone off and married someone else. At least for the time being. It may have something to do with the Berlin Wall I constructed outside the crawlspace in one of my less critter friendly moments. (Sorry Wynn, couldn't help myself). Usually when I do this, the critter comes back the very next day.

3) The weather has turned. Fall is approaching. And I have to tell you, I am not amused. Up with this, I will not put, as Winston Churchill used to say.
4) The house down the road that has a death sentence imposed on it, is still standing. I maintain a vigil night and day. Well something like that.

5) What is this weird picture? I hear you shriek. Well there is a house down the road with a stone statue in the front garden and I really like it. Usually statues in the garden in this neighbourhood get snatched au milieu du nuit, but this one is so frigging big that they'd need a tow truck. Its great.

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