Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Free Bike! Going, Going...

A surprising thing happened today. I saw this small bicycle earlier as I walked to the blogstation. It wasn't locked. Very unusual. I grant you, its no great bike, but it looks workable (unlike the ex-umbrella lying nearby). It could have been ditched. Anyway I wasn't expecting it to be there nine hours later when I returned home but sure enough, it was. Somehow I doubt it will be there tomorrow morning, but who knows? Sometimes the treasures at HedgeRow House remain there for weeks. I give the bike twenty four hours. For sure it will be gone soon.

Once I get off the blogtrain in town I walk through this underground maze. The cheapo camera makes it look a bit murkier than it is, but basically its a series of underground passages with endless shops, a nether world only open during the work week. The problem is you get used to walking through these below ground routes, you miss what's happening in the streets above. I wonder if some folks even realize that today was wonderfully sunny and bright.
The next bit is a rant so if you want to cut out early, that's perfectly ok. There's a new free daily newspaper in town. As if we haven't enough free papers. Anyway after it takes folks ten seconds to digest the paper - its maybe ten pages at the outside - they ditch it.
The white pieces in this photo are discarded sheets of newspaper. The amount of newsprint blowing around the city since the BlogNews came to town, seems to have skyrocketed. Even worse its a bland, uninteresting paper. Why don't they save themselves the trouble and send the paper straight to the recycling depot?

1 comment:

Wynn Bexton said...

What a total waste of newsprint.