Saturday, January 29, 2005

Pot Full of Litter

So I resumed my litter pickup route today. We've had a lot of snow and its recently gone away. There's a lots of garbage on the ground in my neighbourhood. Dear Mr KFC, Ronnie McCardboard and Subway, maybe you ask your customers to dispose of their litter carefully, but the message just isn't getting through to some of them.

Anyway on to the interesting stuff. I didn't get too far along the route today because of the volume. I ended up with three bags full, sir, before you could blink. The haul included the usual sex and drug paraphenalia (condoms and syringes). Be assured I never go anywhere near litter without wearing thick gloves. You just never know what you might pick up. Anyhow items of note today: there was a make up case (complete with mirror), a plastic ball that had been well chewed by Rover, and the missing high heeled black shoe, whose twin I found over Christmas. Darn it, so the one legged dancer didn't wear it to the Jazz Club.

But there's more. Over Christmas I also noticed what appeared to be garden cuttings in a black garbage bag on the side of the path near the station, fairly well hidden from view. Which seemed to be a strange place to be dumping that kind of stuff. I ignored it at the time, it was too sizeable to put in my plastic bag.

Today I was back again and this time half the contents had spilled out and the garbage bag was slightly ripped. Since the contents were green and seemed to be well on the way to be rotting, I dumped them out behind a low hedge. Also mixed in with the cuttings was a pair of white surgical gloves. Well something smelled funny. As in funny, peculiar. I picked up a couple of plants and gave them a good sniff. They were pot plants, I'd reckon 10 - 15 pounds in weight, maybe more, but the water content probably accounted for quite a bit of that. Holy cow.

I left the plants beside the hedge and headed back home again. This stuff has been sitting there, some of it exposed to the rain and snow, for several weeks, so I'm not sure if its even usable. I won't be touching it with a barge pole. I thought about it for a bit then called the cops. We get enough trouble round the station. The plants will attract the wrong kind of attention soon enough, especially as they dry and the familiar aroma starts seeping across the footpath. If noone picks them up, I sure hope the flowers in the vicinity bloom like crazy this year, as that's one hell of a different kind compost.

Any thoughts on this one? What am I going to find next on this route?

1 comment:

Wynn Bexton said...

Yikes! I was expecting something gross! The other week someone (probably the odd kids who live next to me) left a garbage back out in the hall near my door. There was something moving in it. I left it there for awhile, hoping whatever was alive inside would suffocate. Eventually I got my dustpan and moved it, tossed it down the steps. Likely a mouse in there, perhaps still caught in it's mouse trap. Figured the management should deal with it. In fact, I think today I'm going to phone the Health Dept. about this ongoing rodent prob. ruth