Monday, January 10, 2005

The trials and tribulations of Mice

Today when we came down for breakfast there were two blood stains on the kitchen floor. Alas, the mouse trap had done its deed, but failed to kill the mouse. I am sorry about that. I wanted the trap to kill the mouse, not to maim it. There was no sign of said mouse.

I used to be quite fond of mice. Quaint furry creatures with long tails. Ah well, one visited us, soon after we moved into the house. So I marched off to the store and bought one of these contraptions that captures rather than vanquishes the mouse. I put a dab of peanut butter and waited. And waited. Endless droppings in our kitchen. Each morning I would get steamed there was no captured mouse and each night I would get even more steamed, cleaning up the mess. After about two weeks, we caught one of the buggers.

I lifted the little cage and stared at him, eye to eye. I proceeded to berate him for all the trouble he'd caused us and lectured him about invading other people's property and more specifically, about pissing (literally) around in other people's cupboards, for heavens sake. I know they're going to lock me up soon for mental cruelty to rodents. I continued this rant all the way to the park two miles away from our home, where I let the little critter go. At first he hesitated, obviously thinking it was better staying with this mad woman, than go out into the dark cold world. But then he sped through the grass and disappeared into the woods.

To be honest, I wonder if he survived the night.

Any recommendations on how to deal with mice are extremely welcome. We're desperate.

1 comment:

Wynn Bexton said...

Quite a dream! Poor Queenie!
As for the mice, I've been fighting a losing battle, sort of, in this apt. Even after phoning the health dept last Fall. The managers idea of mouse control is put one of those black plastic boxes with bait outside my door. They deny any other units are infested but they are lying (in denial). The health dept guy told me to remove most of my bait as it only attracts them into my suite. I left a few boxes of seeds in hidden places and recently discovered the critters were back, had scattered and eaten the seeds (meaning said mice were now dead) but also had been partying in my cupboard drawn there by a package of sunflower seeds I'd forgotten to put into a jar or plastic container. I had quite a clean-up job and had to yell at the mangers again. I'm just waiting to see if there are any futher signs of invasion and if so I shall call the health dept. once again. I think the boxes of poison seeds are better than traps as the devious little critters figure out how to steal the bait. But if you have a pet you have to keep the seeds away from them, obviously. Hope you find a solution. ruth/wynn