Sunday, January 02, 2005

Sphere of Influence

There was ice on the road as I set off for my morning walk. Gregoire (OtherHalf) stayed behind to trim the grapevine on our deck. A little chilly, blue sky, today was altogether a beautiful day. I’m starting to tread a familiar path. First its up the verge along side the BlogTrain. Of course I’m looking for thieves, vagabonds and drug dealers. Today there were only a few people around at the station. A women in a wheelchair was waiting at the bus stop. A family group huddled in the station and was trying to decipher the workings of the ticket machine. I had grubby clothes on, a plastic bag in each hand and was looking around, trying not to be conspicuous. In retrospect I was acting like someone who had a big sign round my neck screeching "Drug dealer".

I walked on up the other side of the BlogTrain and on to the new paved area. In the very far distance bordered on both sides by high hedges, you can see the bridge where you cross back over the BlogTrain again. I’m thinking on this litter pickup, that it’s useless trying to be too ambitious and pick up all litter in the universe. I’ve decided to stick to the area up to the bridge and back. It’s where I most commonly walk so if I pick up a little each day, then it will look a little better each time. The path is about ten feet higher than the rail in some places, and folks have thrown bottles, cups, lids and God knows what other items down the gully which are pretty inaccessible unless you climb down to retrieve them. I figure if I got ten people together in the spring armed with gloves, bags and a bit of determination, we could have a sweep through and clean it up.

Today as I approached a playground about half way along the path, an elderly Chinese lady walked slowly passed me and gave out a lively greeting. She didn’t speak English but she didn’t need to. I’m hoping I will be as spry as she is when I am in my late eighties.

I reached the half way point, the bridge over the BlogTrain and deposited one bag full of rubbish in the garbage can and turned for home again. There’s a piece of what looks like common land a little way along the track. An abandoned trailer lay there, probably untouched for years, covered in foliage.

Now back on the home stretch. The dark blue coat and pink purse I found a few days back were now strewn on the path. I picked up the purse and coat and crossed over to a seat under a tree and put the coat on the back of the seat, hung the purse nearby. If the coat is still there in a couple of days, I’ll take it home and dry it out. I’m thinking that the Salvation Army would make use of it if I clean it up a bit.

And I got back to the garden gate again. Gregoire was clipping the grapevine, and pieces of vine lay all around the deck. He asked if I’d apprehended anyone. I suspect he thinks I’m going to make a citizen’s arrest one of these days. Hmmm, maybe I’m getting obsessed. I’m going to go help G with the grapevine and stick close to home for the rest of the day.

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