Well after the feeder was installed over the deck, the local birds went berserk over it, resulting in seed being scattered all over the place. So we have relocated said feeder over the lawn. Here is a picture of the feeder.

Now we're on the lookout for a bird bath. We're going to have a veritable nature reserve in our back garden before the summer is over. Well maybe not, but its great to have your own private place where you only get intruded on by birds. Then of course I am forgetting the invasion of the mice. Well at least we don't have skunks at the moment. A friend was saying that her whole household gets frequently woken up by a SMELL. Its a family of skunks that has moved in next door. They are trying to get them relocated, but no success yet. Oh my lord, it would make you want to move house if that went on for long.
One improvement at the BlogTrain I noticed today. They have replaced the street lighting with lower intensity lamps that point downwards. New lamp posts as well. That means less light pollution especially for those who live right next to the station, hopefully these new lamps are cheaper to maintain as well.
HedgeRow House is obviously on strike. Not a sausage on the hedge.