Tuesday, February 22, 2005

SlickPete Rides Again

There's a figure I occasionally see around town. He's in his thirties, longish dark brown hair, always wearing a black baseball cap.

I saw him again today. He was checking out the machines at Mudguard Station looking for cash. Instead of descending the escalator to catch the train, I stood as if waiting for someone, and watched him out of the corner of my eye. After a minute or two, he climbed the steps to the street. I followed him, feeling like a detective. His pace quickened dramatically as he left the station. I watched him disappear down the block and out of sight, a hunched figure in long dark overcoat.

I first encountered SlickPete about six years ago. His usual scheme is to approach you with a big smile and tell you he's trying to take the bus from GoatsHill to RocketRoad but unfortunately he's a dollar short and could you possibly help him? Well how could you not help him? He seemed absolutely genuine, a nice guy who needed a bit of change just the one time. I gave him the money. He never got on the bus. My bus came and I got on. I caught sight of him pulling the same scam on a woman who'd just arrived at the stop, and I saw her looking in her bag for some coins for him. I was furious.

I wouldn't mind so much if he just asked for spare change rather than coming out with the same old cock and bull story. Then again we have so many panhandlers on the streets, he probably finds he gets much more money using the bus journey fantasy.

Soon after that I saw him in action again, and I told his intended victim about him. SlickPete denied everything and said he hadn't seen me in his life, but he left very quickly. He didn't show up at the bus stop for quite a while after that. I saw him pull the same trick at the bus stop a couple of years later and again I confronted him in front of the other bus riders to ensure he wouldn't get any money. After issuing the usual denials, he started being abusive then harangued us that we were suckers to pay taxes.

It gets me thinking what else SlickPete gets up to when he's not trying to deceive bus riders. Where does he live and how does he get by? There are only so many times you can pull the same stunt before your face gets known. I am sure there are many people across the city who also recognise him. So today I was right on to him and he scooted. I guess that means he knows my face too..!

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