Well this is fun, now I can add pictures of my findings in the alleyways. These were the shoes I found the other week down by the BlogTrain...!
On a chilly, but beautiful, Saturday morning, the sun beaming, and with sense of freedom that accompanies a holiday, I ventured forth. (I always think of armies venturing forth, but I digress, back on topic.) Instantly I found a pair of black gloves, which need defrosting, and a run through the washer, before you could actually wear them. I bagged the gloves and wandered along the street, in a ridiculously cheerful mood. Someone had obviously thought : "Let's tick off Martha, and chuck away all our transit tickets" as there were literally dozens of them lying all over the place. But you know, I'm just not being put out my good mood today. I picked them all up in double quick time. No I did actually whistle cheerfully at the same time, that would be taking this Rumi-like ecstasy a tad too far.
The first major mood challenge : HedgeRow House had no garments on the hedge in front. Immense disappointment. What is going on? I should register a protest.
Further down the lane, I found a bag of white and pink powder. For a moment there I got quite excited and had visions of me tearing back home, screeching at Gregoire that I was now a Drug QueenPin. Then I noticed crudely written black writing on the bag: "Laundry powder." Maybe that was a decoy, perhaps I am supposed to think it is washing detergent. Anyway if it was crack cocaine, its now in the garbage.
There was a wicked looking hammer and a black knapsack outside Party House. I wisely stayed away from that and on the return journey, it was gone. Sometimes it is sensible not to go too close or ask any questions, but what the heck was that all about?
Having gathered all the usual litter,bagged and disposed of it, I sat down for a cup of exceedingly good tea, as one does on a Saturday morning.
In the afternoon, Gregoire and I went in search of a birdfeeder for the garden. I've always loved watching birds, and we get quite a variety of feathered friends around our deck. So off we drove, dropping in on the recycling depot to deposit a car battery and some cardboard, and we found the CrazyAboutBirds store. I nearly fainted at the prices. There's clearly quite a business in bird feeders and tables. I just can't part with eighty dollars right now to have a clever contraption that enables birds to get seeds, but shuts down when SammySquirrel tries to get in on the act. Anyway after mooching about for a few minutes, we bought a modest (un-squirrel-proof) feeder and bird seed for about twenty dollars.
We've hung it up over the deck and so far, no squirrel in sight, but delighted to report that we have a few visiting black capped chickadees. I'm a happy camper. For a while I just sat at the window and watched them swoop in, eat a tiny morsel then equally quickly, fly away. They are not used to someone watching. Doppleganger Ursula wrote to say that no birds come to feed at their bird table these days, but maybe that is understandable as there are at least two cats in the neighbourhood.
I spent time fiddling around with a Site Counter which you see on the right. It seems to work! Thankyou to everyone who visits this site, I would be highly delighted to hear from you. Any comments?
Great picture! It adds something really spiffy to your site. And, as usual I loved reading your entry. And hey! your readership seems to be going up! I must get me one of those counters installed.
Thanks for your note, Wynn, it was fun trying to figure out how to add those to the site.
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